Aziz Fatnassi

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department(s) / Center(s)

Honors Programs

Aziz  Fatnassi Headshot


Dr. Aziz Fatnassi is an applied anthropologist, and Visiting Assistant Professor of Honors, at Clarkson University. Aziz’s current academic interests center on multimodal intercultural competence, transnational networks and digital networking, aspirational resilience communities, and the methodology of participant action research. Aziz’s applied work in international development engages topics of youth, migration, education, cultural resilience, entrepreneurship, and human rights. Over the past 10 years Aziz has led and consulted on multimodal projects engaging these issues for government, industry, non-profit, and community stakeholders across North America, Europe, and the SWANA region. Prior to joining Clarkson University, Dr. Fatnassi served as Roger H. Perry Endowed Chair for Innovation, Co-Director of the Degree Design Lab, and Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Champlain College. Aziz also served as a research fellow with College for America at Southern New Hampshire University, and a research associate in the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University.

Education Background

Ph.D. - 2015 Sociocultural Anthropology, Indiana University Bloomington
M.A. - 2014 Sociocultural Anthropology, Indiana University Bloomington
B.A. - 2010 Anthropology (College Honors), University of Vermont



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Office Location: 2203 Price Hall

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5755